Friday night’s celebration at St. Pius X parish hall began with a presentation emceed by SSVP Brant VP (Youth) Peter Giordano highlighting our strong partnership with the students of the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board. Students and their supportive teachers described their contributions to our service.

Leading into Vincentian family time, all present danced, and laughed, to S-S-V-P (think Y-M-C-A) as we celebrated our dedication as SSVP volunteers.
Saturday dawned bright and early with Liturgy of the Eucharist. Thanks to our presider Father John Redmond and the parishioners of St. Pius X parish for sharing their parish facilities so generously.
Throughout the morning workshops used the facilities of St. Pius X Catholic School to provide development opportunities to enhance our Vincentian service to those in need. After the renowned chefs of the St. Pius X CWL nourished us with snacks and lunch, local Vincentians shared more of our story: about our partnerships with community agencies (specifically Nova Vita) and the journey to our new Store location.
The day wrapped up with the official meeting of the Ontario region of SSVP.
Thanks to so many who pulled together to welcome our Vincentian colleagues to learn, to share and to grow.
For more details of the activities check out this link from SSVP Ontario website: